- Emergency: 100 from campus phone or 617-253-1212 from mobile phone
- Non-emergency: 617-253-2996
- Emergency: 911
- Non-Emergency: 617-349-3300
- Emergency: 911
- Non-Emergency District D4: 617-343-4250
MIT Medical: 617-253-4881
Mental Health and Counseling Service: 617-253-2916
Dean on Call (Calls routed by MIT Police): 617-253-1212
Safe Ride: 617-253-2997
Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards: 617-258-8423
Ombuds Office: 617-253-5921
Undergraduate & Graduate Residential Life: 617-253-4280
Housing and Residential Services: 617-253-2811
Fraternities, Sororities, and Independent Living Groups: 617-253-2404
Student Support Services: 617-253-4861