II. Policies Regarding Student Behavior

All members of the MIT community are expected to conduct themselves with proper respect for one another and each other’s property. The Institute promotes the principle that every person brings unique qualities and talents to the community and that every individual should be treated in a respectful manner.

All members of the MIT community are expected to conduct themselves with professionalism, personal integrity, and respect for the rights, differences and dignity of others. These standards of personal conduct apply to all communications, whether oral, written, or through gestures. Community members are also expected to treat the property of both the Institute and other community members with appropriate care and respect. 

-Source: Institute Policy 9.2, Personal Conduct and Responsibilities Towards Students and Employees

The Institute reserves the right to take any action that it deems necessary or appropriate to protect the intellectual integrity, safety, and well-being of the campus community, including interim measures such as temporary suspension. To that end, MIT students are expected to abide by the rules, regulations, and policies of the Institute, as well as city, state, and federal laws. Students are expected to be familiar with the Institute’s expectations of them, which are found in the MIT Bulletin, in the Mind and Hand Book, and in the Institute Policies and Procedures.

MIT expects that members of the MIT community will not engage in behavior that endangers their own sustained effectiveness or that has serious ramifications for their own physical and mental health, safety, welfare, academic well-being, professional obligations, or for that of others. In situations where an individual student’s physical illness or emotional difficulties affect not only the student, but also others in the community, it is the Institute’s responsibility to consider the well- being of the community as well as the individuals in care decisions. 

Off campus misconduct may be a basis for MIT disciplinary action if the Institute considers that such alleged misconduct may have violated Institute policy and expectations of civility, integrity, and respect. Student status in no sense renders an individual student immune from the jurisdiction of civil or criminal courts and other governmental authorities. MIT actions will consider applicable law as well as the policies and procedures of the Institute and the standards of behavior expected of members of the educational community. 

MIT internally handles some incidents that might give rise to civil or criminal liability. This is done with the understanding by the outside community that MIT deals seriously with such offenses. As is the case for many universities, local authorities often rely on MIT to resolve such issues as long as the internal policies and procedures are effective and adequate. MIT action by itself, however, does not preclude the possibility of other judicial remedies. 

If an infraction causes a student to be involved both in Institute disciplinary proceedings and in criminal proceedings, the Institute generally will not delay or stop the internal process until after the criminal proceedings have been concluded. For more information, contact the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards, room W20-507, osccs@mit.edu617-258-8423.