V (4). Emergency Contacts, Missing Person, Missing Student Notification Policy

A. Emergency Contact Information

Students should provide their emergency contact information to the Institute. Students should annually review and, if necessary, edit their emergency contact information, as well as term and home address, within WebSIS.

Anyone with a Kerberos ID and cell phone registered with Duo is automatically added to the MIT Alert system, which is used to send advisories and critical notifications associated with COVID-19.  Students are encouraged to also update their preferred email and phone number in the MIT Alert system to ensure notifications are also sent to that email and phone number.

B. Missing Person Procedure

If you can’t find someone and are worried that person is missing, immediately contact the MIT Police at 617.253.1212. Be prepared to supply information on the missing person. Please also notify your Head of House or the Dean on Call, who will work with the Police to notify the missing person’s family when appropriate. 

C. Missing Student Notification Policy

MIT has adopted this missing student notification policy for students who reside in on-campus housing, including approved FSILG housing. In accordance with this policy, each student who resides in on-campus housing has the option to identify an individual to be contacted by MIT after such student is determined to be missing in accordance with procedures that have been established by the office of the Dean for Student Life in consultation with the MIT Police.

Students can identify an individual to be notified by providing Missing Person Emergency Contact information to the Registrar’s Office through WebSIS, which is available online at http://student.mit.edu/cgi-docs/student.html. Students who have not already provided Missing Person Emergency Contact information – including those students who live off campus – are strongly encouraged to do so as soon as possible. Except as otherwise permitted or required by law, Missing Person Emergency Contact information will be kept confidential, will be accessible only to authorized campus officials, and will not be disclosed to non-campus officials other than law enforcement personnel in furtherance of a missing person investigation.

In addition to notifying the emergency contact(s) identified by a student, MIT must also notify a custodial parent or guardian of a student who is under 18 years of age and is not an emancipated individual if such student is determined to be missing. MIT is also required to notify the appropriate law enforcement agency (or agencies) if any student, regardless of age, is determined to be missing. MIT reserves the right to notify additional individuals or authorities in its discretion – including the parents or guardians of students over 18 years of age – if a student is determined to be missing.

If you are concerned that a fellow student might be missing or otherwise in danger, you should immediately notify the MIT Police. 

Source: Section 488(j) of the Higher Education Opportunity Act