II (2) (A). Alcohol Policy

MIT prohibits any persons under the age of 21 from possessing or consuming alcohol. Additionally, MIT prohibits persons from providing, serving, or selling alcohol to any person, except as expressly allowed in Institute policy 9.13.2. Small social gatherings (usually considered to be 25 guests or fewer) at which alcohol is served to individuals over the age of 21 are not considered a violation of this policy.

MIT also prohibits inappropriate behaviors that result from the use of alcohol by persons of any age, including but not limited to public intoxication, driving while under the influence of alcohol, vandalism, and behaviors that require an intervention by Institute staff, cause a disturbance, or are a danger to persons (self or others) or property. 

Other alcohol-related behaviors prohibited by MIT include but are not limited to: the possession or use of false identification to purchase alcohol, possession of open containers of alcohol in public spaces, consumption from quantity dispensing sources (e.g. kegs, punch bowls, water coolers, beer balls or garbage cans) on campus or in Institute-approved housing, engaging in drinking games or other activities involving rapid and/or excessive consumption of alcohol on campus or in Institute-approved housing, and hosting events where alcohol is present or consumed without prior approval, as required by the Event Planning Guide

Alcoholic beverages at student-sponsored and student group-sponsored events: Alcoholic beverages containing 15% alcohol by volume (ABV) or less may be served at approved student-sponsored and student group-sponsored events. All beverages served at events must be pre-packaged, and hard liquor of any kind (including in pre-packaged or canned cocktails) is not permitted to be served at student-sponsored or student group-sponsored events.

Students should be familiar with all alcohol-related event protocols and procedures in place; students may find links to relevant protocols and procedures for residence halls, FSILGs, and student organizations below:

Events in Residence Halls: https://studentlife.mit.edu/residence_hall_atlas_event_registration/event-registration-guidelines

Events in Fraternities, Sororities, and Independent Living Groups:

Events Hosted by Student Organizations: http://web.mit.edu/eventguide/eventregulations/alcohol.html

MIT also adheres to the provisions concerning alcohol under the federal Drug-Free Workplace and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Acts (DFSCA).

The Institute does not intend through its guidelines or policies to restrict the responsible use of alcohol by members of the MIT community who are at or above the legal drinking age of 21. However, efforts to observe existing laws and regulations in an environment where the majority of the undergraduate student body is not of legal drinking age will impose some constraints on those who are of legal drinking age.