II (3). Amnesty for Help-Seeking Policy

The health, safety, and general welfare of MIT students are of the utmost concern to the faculty, staff, students, and administration of the Institute. MIT has established Help-Seeking Amnesty Policies to reduce barriers related to seeking help during medical emergencies or situations when someone is believed to be the victim of a crime or significant policy violation, even if there is no medical emergency. The below policies describe MIT’s Help-Seeking expectations.

A. Amnesty for Help-Seeking: Alcohol & Other Drugs

In a situation where students seek medical attention for alcohol or prohibited substance-related medical emergencies, MIT will treat the students’ use of alcohol or prohibited substances as a health and safety matter, not as a disciplinary incident. For more information, see the Help-Seeking policy for alcohol and other drugs.

B. Amnesty for Help-Seeking: Hacking

In a situation where students seek in good faith help or medical attention for a dangerous emergency situation, MIT will treat the students’ call for help as a significant mitigating factor. For more information about the Help-Seeking policy for hacking, see Mind and Hand Book Section II (12). Hacking.

C. Amnesty for Help-Seeking: Discrimination & Discriminatory Harassment

The health, safety, and general welfare of MIT students are of the utmost concern to the Institute. In a situation where students or student organizations act as a reporting party in a case of discrimination or discriminatory harassment (including without limitation sexual misconduct, intimate partner violence, and stalking), students will not be subject to disciplinary sanctions for violations of Institute policy related to the incident, except as described below.

This consideration, which is intended to reduce barriers to getting help, will be extended not only to the reporting party but also to any student(s) who are witnesses in a discrimination or discriminatory harassment investigation.

Students or student organizations who call for help may be required to complete educational and/or advising program(s) that are meant to support students and their organizations and connect them with other community services and resources that may be beneficial. These programs and services will be tailored to the specific circumstances and needs of those involved.

The application of this policy may be voided if Institute officials determine that the report of discrimination or discriminatory harassment was made in bad faith. This policy also does not preclude MIT from taking disciplinary actions against a reporting party or witness to address egregious violations of Institute policies, including those that place the health and safety of another person at risk. Violations of this nature include, but are not limited to, violence, sexual assault, hazing, or the manufacture, sale, or distribution of prohibited substances. Finally, this policy cannot preclude or prevent action by police or other legal authorities.

This amnesty policy is intended to apply to federal and state law definitions of sexual misconduct, including but not limited to sexual violence, dating violence, domestic violence, gender-based violence, violence based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression, sexual assault, sexual harassment, or stalking as described in Massachusetts General Law c. 6, §. 168E(b).