II (9). Fire Safety

Members of the MIT community are prohibited by Massachusetts law and MIT regulations from committing fire and safety violations, including but not limited to:

  • refusing to evacuate during a fire alarm
  • setting a fire, making a bomb threat or issuing a false alarm
  • tampering with firefighting equipment, fire-alarm systems, fire protection sprinklers, or smoke detectors
  • using a fireplace in a manner that does not coply with MIT guidelines
  • placing objects in any exit or on fire escapes
  • entering or occupying the roof of any residence except in areas designated for, and approved by, MIT for assembly use
  • using or burning candles or incense in the residence halls
  • for students living on campus without kitchens: possessing or using microwaves, toaster ovens, or other cooking devices in student bedrooms
  • possessing halogen lamps in the residence halls

Members of the MIT community may be subject to severe disciplinary action if they violate any Massachusetts statutory or MIT fire safety regulation or policy. Students who live in residence halls or Institute-owned apartments are additionally encouraged to review Residential Life’s Fire and Life Safety Policy.

Fire Alarms

When a fire alarm is activated in a residence hall, residents are required by law to evacuate by way of the safest and closest exit to their designated meeting points. Residents who do not immediately evacuate their residence hall may be subject to a government fine or penalty, in addition to disciplinary action by the Institute. Institute policy is to evacuate immediately, NOT to fight fires.